In order to provide the best possible experience, we will need to gather information, photos, videos, music and all other media regarding your loved one. Therefore, once you have decided on the package you like, you will need to go through a series of steps to get the content to us. But don't worry, the goal is to make the steps easy so you can concentrate on what you want in the video.
In the event your pictures or videos are not in a digital format to be uploaded, we do provide scanning and converting services. The costs for these are custom to the effort, so please contact us directly.
Once the final movie is created, updates and changes are done on an hourly cost. Basic adds of pictures usually take only one hour of labor. The same with text or music changes. Video changes are more lengthy and may take up to two or three hours to produce. However, no update to the QR code is needed. So what you place on the headstone does not change. Please contact us directly for any additions
The QR Code emblem has a lifetime warranty. If it is damaged or lost, just contact us and we will send a new one.
Additionally, your content is also under a lifetime warranty. It will not be lost or unreachable at any time.
Full warranty information can be found here.